Saturday 27 February 2010

Carter Beats the Devil

Now I'm cheating slightly, as I'm still reading this. Also, it's not mine, but the former tenant's (but seeing as he's left it behind, along with a cupboard full of very blokey DVDs - every war/James Bond/Red Dwarf box set every made - he's getting married next year, I reckon his future bride made sure they were "forgotten" when he moved in with her) I'm sure he won't mind me leaving it on the tube.

I'm enjoying it an almost indecent amount, racing home to get back to it & leaving late every morning because I can't put it down. Carter is a magician in the roaring 20s in San Francisco, given the seal of approval by Houdini & mixed up in some kind of assassination plot of the president. It's all about trickery & misdirection, but also really strong, graceful writing.

One tiny thing that struck me, and made me think how Gold is really a class act, is how it reveals that Carter's brother's partner is a man - and says nothing more on the matter. Just takes it as normal. Because it is.


  1. I'll have to read this because I'm a bit of a saddo about mapping San Francisco. Must have seen every B movie set there (lots made in the 40s/50s)and shout out street names when I spot ones I used to know.
    Is it as good as Chabon's 'Kavalier & Clay'?

  2. I'm a great fan of Houdini and Magic and this sounds right up my boulevard.

  3. Then I recommend trying Kavalier & Klay next - Michael Chabon.

  4. Just as good Arabella, but different.

    It's great Rog - did you read Ragtime by EL Doctorow? Another great book featuring Houdini.

    That reminds me, GSE, I think he's got a new book out (non-fiction) called Manhood for Amateurs.
