Wednesday 8 June 2011

Inconsistent Tits

It's a scandal! We've uncovered some kind of terrible twisted conspiracy in this country - the madness must stop.

Thanks, Arabella, for alerting me to this interesting bit of research on What Katie Did. We always knew shops had no standard size for women's clothes, but check out the stats for bras here. Absolutely ludicrous. They're trying to drive us insane, like the husband in Gaslight, by means of our lingerie.

Now, who do we know at Channel 4? Can't you just see a brilliant scathing documentary on this? I'm gonna email Mary Portas. Mary Portas would sort the bra industry out.


  1. Mary Portas' website is down. Tsk, Mary. Is she on Twitter?

  2. Seriously - was in M&S today - they measured me. Then I tried on bras that were supposedly my measurement - then the lady said it didn't seem right and I tried on ones that I knew to be comfortable.. it took ages to find one - it's never never consistent even in the one shop - some are made in China and others in Cambodia or somewhere like that so they are all different - you literally have to try loads on!

  3. What is this? Boobcrossing?

  4. I don't see why I should have to do sums to buy my bloody undies - and that's before I've been in store after store, dressed and undressed repeatedly, stood in line.... Fractions, long division? Fuck right off.

  5. I was lured here by the title under the mis-apprehension that it was a political post about the current Government. Humpfff!

  6. What on earth do the WKD bras look like? Do they aggressively standardise everyone's boobs?

  7. Sar, I KNOW! I think they should just give the numbers, like with men's trousers. This cup size thing is a myth.

    Tim, I am getting a bit obsessed. Think I might have a problem. If only I was gay it wouldn't matter.

    Arabella, right. It's not like it's some arcane piece of clothing that we hardly ever wear. It's your underwear, pretty basic.

    Rog, ah, you're thinking of my next post, 'Lying Tory Capitalist Pigdog Inconsistent Tits'.

    Bowleserised, they do 1950s bullet bras, that's what I understand. Those pointy rocket ones that could take people's eyes out.

  8. OH! What Katie Did! Ah... I used to get their catalogues. Yes, indeed. Pretty standardising.
